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Honey and wax sales

The beehives we own serve solely environmental purposes. Occasionally, due to the necessary management and maintenance of the beehives, we will remove some frames and collect the honey and wax. These products are 100% organic, and the honey has a different flavor depending on the location of the beehive. We currently have and serve beehives placed in the State of Illinois, more specifically located in Lake Forrest, Wilmette, and within the City of Chicago. The quantity of honey available for sale is extremely limited, but feel free to inquire and we can let you know what we have.

Our products include honey, honey combs, wax, as well as a very small quantity of pollen & propolis mix for medicinal use only.

The honey prices range from $15 for a ~12 oz (350 grams) honey jar with honeycomb in it, to $100 for the same size mix of honey, propolis and pollen.

Honey and wax sales