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312-450-5962 Hours: 8 am-6pm CT Mo-Sat


Cristian Petre,
head beekeeper

Bee Removal and Relocation LLC is located in Chicago, Illinois, with a service area radius covering up to 100 miles away from Chicago.

Cristian, our head beekeeper, has always been fascinated by bees. Over the years, he learned how to build hives from scratch by reusing discarded wood; how to work in a beekeeper's suit and then completely abandon it for lack of comfort; and how to interact with bees in such a manner that they are not afraid of him. His beekeeping practices revolve around respecting nature and its creatures, and this is reflected in his removal and maintenance techniques. As a promoter of 100% holistic approaches to bee and wasps'removals, he does not use any kind of chemicals, pesticides or any practices that will affect the colonies he is working with at any time.